Sabado, Marso 9, 2013


     In accordance with the psychology of elements of the previous century which held that the "psychic" consists of particular "functions", various researcher tried to isolate those specific functions on which "intelligence" is built. On the one hand, they isolated intelligence as an independent unity and, on the other hand, they viewed intellectual achievements as a series of small, separate components each being a separate "ability, capacity, factor, disposition, talent" detached from the person as a functioning totality. Thus, for example, Binet was of the opinion that intelligence as a "function" is a compilation of other functions and he views different aspects of thinking as belonging to their essence Spearman's view is based on the theory that intelligence is built up from different "factors".


Who's Smarter?

   New research is providing an answer to the age-old, delicate question: who is smarter, men or women? A new study has come down on the feminine side of that argument, finding that women now score higher on IQ tests than men. James Flynn, a New Zealand-based researcher known as an IQ testing expert, said that over the past century, women have lagged slightly behind men in IQ testing scores, at times by as much as five points. But now, Flynn said women have closed the gap and even inched ahead in this battle of the intelligent sexes. “As we enter the modern worlds, our minds change just as our automobiles have changed,” Flynn said. “Where women can have an equal chance to interface with the modern world, they equal on IQ and surpass on academic performance.”



     Artificial intelligence is created by human intelligence. Human intelligence can think for its own, but artificial intelligence won’t think. Human intelligence can invent new things including artificial intelligence, but artificial intelligence can’t do it. Human intelligence revolves around adapting to the environment using a combination of several cognitive processes. The field of Artificial intelligence focuses on designing machines that can mimic human behavior. However, AI researchers are able go as far as implementing Weak AI, but not the Strong AI. In fact, some believe that Strong AI is never possible due to the various differences between the human brain and a computer. So, at the moment, the mere ability to mimic the human behavior is considered as Artificial Intelligence. But human intelligence and artificial intelligence have similarities, which is they can teach us, they can instruct us, they can help us to do the things faster.


Baboon 'Readers' Pick Out Real Words

     Dan the baboon and five buddies know real English words when they see them. For instance, if Dan sees the letters BRRU, ITCS, and KITE, he'll pick out the last one as the real word, even though he doesn't know what it means. After doing 300,000 tests in France, the animals were able to pick out real words some 75% of the time. The primates process the words by separating them into parts, a researcher says. This way of thinking helped them identify words they'd never seen before. What's more, they did the study when they felt like it: If they wanted a reward, they could head to a training station at any time. Not only does the experiment show "amazing cognitive abilities" among baboons, says a scientist—it also points to an innate sense of pattern that may exist in humans, too.



        People with exceptionally high intelligence are forced to engage with the world around them at a much higher level of complexity and multi-dimensionality than most of us. At that level, or in those terms, this simple, straightforward logic breaks down. They'd have no emotional reaction at all, because all of those problems are beyond their cognitive grasp. One cannot react to what one does not perceive or grasp mentally. The exact same gap exists between an average person and one with exceptionally high intellectual faculties. The gifted person is continuously bombarded with stimuli-- threats, potential rewards, problems, possibilities, contradictions, potentialities, wonders, mysteries, ironies, complications, ramifications, and parallel or underlying meanings-- all of which are utterly invisible to the average person.


      Human intelligence is not only difficult to measure, even with an intelligence test, but is also difficult to define. Nowadays, most researchers agree that human intelligence is a combination of knowledge, skills, and ability to understand and rationally. Also, experts believe that cognitive abilities continue to develop throughout life. The features of human intelligence were identified: critical intelligence in human intelligence side, the ability to copy and fitness to new situations of paternal behavior in its ability to induce behavior in social environment, the ability to express feelings that can induce others same or similar experiences in the ability to estimate the dynamics and complexity of a global phenomenon and in many other directions.




    One of the Instruments that Psychologist used in testing the intelligence of an infant is the Fagan Test. The Fagan test estimates an infant's intelligence by measuring the amount of time the infant spends looking at a new object compared with the time spends looking at a familiar object using a set of 20 photographs of human faces, arranged in pairs, the examiner begins by showing a baby one photograph of the first pair, for 20 seconds. Then the examiner pairs that photograph with its mate, showing the baby the two photos together for 5 seconds and then again for another 5 seconds, this time reversing the two photos left to right. The score the infant receives is made up of the total time he spends looking at the novel photograph throughout presentation of all the 10 pairs.


      There are different types of Intelligence, the Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”) it designates the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world, the Musical Intelligence (“Musical Smart”) is the capacity to catch pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone, this intelligence enables us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listeners. The Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart) is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations; it enables us to perceive relationships and connections and to use abstract, symbolic thought; sequential reasoning skills; and inductive and deductive thinking patterns. And the Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of language.